writer | artist

brooklyn, nyc

selected publications

The Funeral published in Farewell Transmission; May 21, 2024

Becoming Alive in Bosa published in Scrawl Place; March 19, 2023

Stellar Remnant published in Autofocus Lit, February 1, 2023

The House on Via San Lucifero published in Scrawl Place; January 7, 2022

Allergy published in Hobart Pulp; August 11, 2022

Look Here published in The Hungry Ghost Magazine; December 2021

Midnight Mealtimes published in the Schuylkill Valley Journal; October 25, 2021

High Noon at the Cactus Sanctuary published in buffalobuffalobuffalo (A Hobart Newsletter), now known as The New Thing; July 25, 2021

How I Felt, Beyond the Obvious Shock and Sadness

published in Hobart After Dark (HAD); May 13, 2021

*Best of the Net nominated

In the Dark Room published in Maudlin House; May 6, 2021

The Artist Who Lives Here published in The Mechanics’ Institute Review; April 20, 2021

The Glitch published in Unlocked: Short Stories for 2021 from Comma Press; March 23, 2021

buy the anthology here

Winter of Cryptonyms published in The Bangor Literary Journal; December 20, 2020

This Strange Safe Place published in Vol. 1 Brooklyn; September 11, 2016


Grandma’s Toe, available at Good Press (SOLD OUT)